'The 6 Types of Working Genius' by Patrick Lencioni

On the 25th of January, hgkc hosted the first Book Club of 2023. Returning to the Kensington Arms and tea and cakes were enjoyed whilst we looked at The 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni. Not only did everyone read the book but all those who attended completed the Working Genius profile to help them understand not only what their Genius’ are, but their Frustrations, and their Competencies.

The 6 Types of Working Genius are:      

  • Wonder – identifies the need for improvement or change 
  • Invention – confirms the importance of that need, and generates an idea or solution 
  • Discernment – assess the merit or workability of the idea or solution 
  • Galvanising – generates enthusiasm and action around the idea or solution 
  • Enablement – initiates support and assists in the implementation of the idea or solution  
  • Tenacity – commits to ensuring that the idea or solution gets completed and the desired results are achieved 


The group shared the results of their assessments with each other, and we found that we had a range of Genius in the room. The conversation flowed first looking at what a business needs and how to ensure that people are in the positions that they thrive in. It was agreed that it would depend on where the business is at the time of change and there was concern amongst the group about disruption in moving people about the business could cause upset if employees were to be limited to their Genius’ only. Business leaders would need to be wary of labelling people by their specific genius as it can affect an individual’s ego and feelings, as well as being used as an excuse not to do certain jobs.  

However, the group did believe that the profile could be used to help understand who the right kind of people are to have in specific positions as well as helping to create a more agile workplace by focusing their efforts to develop their team’s competencies. It was important to everyone that people don’t tie themselves down and everyone in the business adapts to go with the organisation’s needs.  

It was further agreed that the profile could be used in recruitment to change the culture of a business, bringing in a more balanced workforce. In the meantime, leaders can take advantage of other skills that people have and build smaller teams that might fit the role of whichever genius might be missing. It is important to understand that your people may not enjoy some aspects of their role, which might fall into their frustrations, however, these skills can be developed and help your team better themselves.  

The discussion changed from the business to looking specifically at the people to have in a meeting. It was agreed that to be able to have an effective and productive meeting, particularly an idea generation meeting you need a blend of all six genius’ to not only come up with new ideas but to understand how feasible each idea is as well as keeping things on track and not letting people get carried away. It is also important to let everyone have their voice heard. The bottom line is that there needs to be trust within your team to ensure that they’ll be high performing.  

From l to r: James Lott, Working Knowledge; Alex Richards, Western Training Provider Network; Peter Quintana, hgkc; Chris Harris, P+S; Nikki Hunt, P+S; Mandy Withers, Talk HR; Joe Constant, hgkc; Kim Jones, hgkc
From l to r: James Lott, Working Knowledge; Alex Richards, Western Training Provider Network; Peter Quintana, hgkc; Chris Harris, P+S; Nikki Hunt, P+S; Mandy Withers, Talk HR; Joe Constant, hgkc; Kim Jones, hgkc

The conversation could have continued for hours and there were still many more ways in which we could have discussed implementing Patrick Lencioni’s Six Working Genius’ into the workplace.


hgkc run Book Club every few months and are always eager to explore new books written by business professionals. If you are interested in our next Book Club – keep an eye out for posts on LinkedIn for our next book choice and the date. We hope you can make it!  

Categorised: Events

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