hgkc Discover

Where we start with you

hgkc are effective because we commit to understand:

  • Where you are now
  • Where you want to get to (your ultimate outcome)
  • How ready you are for the journey, and, perhaps most importantly,
  • What is the best first step to start your journey

regardless of whether you commit to any long-term investment with us.

We are unique in adapting Outcomes Mapping as part of hgkc DISCOVER to help you:

  • Identify the initiatives you need to deliver targeted benefits or objectives
  • Understand the relationships and inter-dependencies between your initiatives, benefits and business outcomes
  • Map out the order in which benefits can be achieved.

Many of our clients are embarking on a new journey towards something they have not done before. This could be towards their exit (most business owners only do this once), or it could be to pivot towards a new market, adopt new technologies to fuel growth, or embark on a strategy to grow through acquisition.

Whatever your journey, an Outcomes Map will help structure your thinking. Based on an evaluation of how much each element of your outcomes map contributes to getting you where you want to be, you will be able to prioritise an action plan with confidence. Even if something happens to blow you off course, you will have delivered real value from investing in your future.

hgkc DISCOVER is a discrete piece of work that can be completed in a few days, and at a fixed price. It is immersive and will reveal unique insights into you and your business that will equip you to make decisions about your long-terms goals. You will get a report of recommendations and a proposal for where we can support you to implement your plan, but continuing to work with us is entirely optional.

Whatever you choose to do next, the outcomes map and report of recommendations are yours to keep. That’s the value of an hgkc DISCOVER.

Alison Schreiber, Managing Director, HR Dept - Durham and Newcastle South,

Our expertise is in getting to the heart of you and your business. We find the right advice when you need it. We add clarity and focus. We help keep you on track, especially when it's tough.