hgkc asked to Judge the UK Business Awards 2018 for excellence and innovation
The UK Business Awards 2018 rewards the organisations, teams and individuals demonstrating excellence and innovation to create the future of business, and HGKC are delighted to have been invited to join the judging panel.
The UKBA is a vehicle for sharing best practice and enables the organisations who enter to promote professional improvement, learning, and personal development. To win or be shortlisted at the UKBAs is a great honour that identifies the business as superior in their industry.
The awards encompass both B2B and B2C categories in sector and discipline-specific areas to allow every size of business to be recognised for their achievements. We will be helping to judge in one of the SME categories.
Along with our fellow judges, we will be looking for excellence and innovation from businesses striving to surpass customer needs and/or that are delivering outstanding business performance in their area. The awards celebrate and reward team talent from diverse cross-sector enterprises, bringing together in one place, and in one day, the leading examples of great business practice – from best place to work to innovation and social enterprise – and helping to raise their profiles and attract a new network of customers.
hgkc will also shortly have an article featured in the awards media partner, the Customer Experience Magazine, on the importance of the customer in your innovation journey.