What we offer




Discover – Where is your North Star?

Your hgkc consultant will work with you to complete your North Star Diagnostic to answer:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • How ready are you to make the journey?


We present a clarification of your needs, and options to exceed them.  


Our initial meeting will be to agree the team, your and our responsibilities, and agree the deliverables.  


You will have a key point of contact to support you along the journey. We will work with you at pace. But we understand the needs of business and will flex to ensure we are working with you in a way that does not disrupt the rhythm of your business.  


Regular progress and deliverable reviews will help measure and adjust (if necessary) the programme to remain on track to meet your agreed objectives.   

Going the extra mile

As a client and friend of hgkc you will become a member of our North Star Club and will be able to join The Book Club, meet our other clients and friends, attend our roundtables, and come to our annual Christmas Breakfast and (indoor) snowball fight.



'People Are The Key'

Photo by Joshua Hibbert on Unsplash

Self-Awareness for Leaders and Teams, £1,500 (up to 6 people)

Staying agile demands that people continually develop and use their emotional intelligence (EQ). Individuals receiving a personalised DISC Agile EQ profile from hgkc partners DISCsimple:

  • Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions.
  • Recognise opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them.
  • Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations.

In a half day group coaching workshop, your team will work together to develop personal improvement plans based on their Agile EQ profiles.

Agile Leadership, £3,000

Starting with an Agile EQ DISC profile and a 360 Review to help you understand your role in context, we will help you plan how you can be the best leader you can be. You will get a personal development plan bringing together knowledge, skills, and mindset, grounded in trust.

Building a High-Performance Culture, £5,000

hgkc partner with Engagement Multiplier to offer an innovative systematic way to measure and improve employee engagement, and DISCsimple for behavioural preference profiles presented on the Catalyst platform.

Using the results from an Engagement Multiplier benchmark survey, self-reflection scorecards, personalised DiSC profiles for up to 6 Directors, a ½ day workshop exploring emotional intelligence mindsets, and 2 days of analysis, we provide insights into the capability of your leadership team and how they are perceived by your workforce. We prepare a report of findings and recommendations in the form of a proposal for the next stage in developing a more proactive leadership team capable of running the business without you in it on a day-to-day basis.

Supercharge Your Team, £3,000-£6,000

Using a Team Canvas, a strategic framework to help teams align on a common vision and generate momentum towards their objective, we will run a series of workshops to help you set the vision and direction of your business. This will include:

  • Establishing core values and beliefs.
  • Arriving at your purpose by considering what your clients need, what you as a team are passionate about, what your company is good at, and what you can be paid for.
  • Agreeing a clear and compelling overall goal to serve as a focal point.
  • Using the principles that you hold inviolable to form a system for motivating your business and a benchmark by which current and future behaviours can be measured.
  • Understanding the key roles and their accountabilities, reviewing your organisation design, and evaluating the skills needed for future success.

Building Exceptional Teams, £15,000

Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage. The five behaviours associated with an effective team are trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. Understanding how your team members and the team itself is doing, is the difference between dysfunctional and exceptional performance. Using Lencioni 5 Behaviours profiles from DISCsimple, we will facilitate a series of workshops over 6-12 months with your team to help them answer questions such as:

  • Are we really a team?
  • How are we currently performing?
  • Are we ready to invest time in becoming a great team?
  • How can we as a team deliver the results we set out to achieve on a consistent and ongoing basis?
Looking up at four tall buildings from ground


'Putting Innovation Into Action'

Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

Business Innovation Workshop, £2,000-£7,500

Develop a shared understanding of how innovation can support business objectives and growth targets and explore the key factors essential for a high performing culture. In these workshops you will develop an innovation strategy for your business setting compelling, credible objectives and investment priorities, to

  • Build an innovative organisation and collaborative culture
  • Create profitable new approaches that meet customer needs better than competitors can
  • Improve the size, shape, and speed of the innovation portfolio
  • Strengthen testing, learning, and scaling skills.

Maximise Your Innovation Focus, £1,500-£5,000 depending on complexity

hgkc are certified Market Opportunity Navigator experts. The Market Opportunity Navigator allows companies to identify, evaluate and prioritize new opportunities for value creation. It is based on 3 key principles, each of which will be explored to develop your Agile Focus Strategy:

  • Core abilities or technologies.
  • Identify market opportunities.
  • Evaluate and minimise risk.

Creating and Embedding an Innovation Culture, around £10,000 (plus Acclaim Ideas licence)

We help you embed innovation behaviours into your culture through a series of facilitated workshops that introduce you to Acclaim Ideas, our collaboration platform for the management of innovation and change in your business. We will help you:

  • Focus on your strategic goals.
  • Provide a framework for achieving your goals.
  • Ensure your team are aligned to your vision.
  • Make it clear to everyone who is accountable.

Next steps will be to:

  • Build a team canvas, a strategic framework to help teams align on a common vision and generate momentum towards their objective.
  • Define a mission, objectives, and key results (OKRs).
  • Generate as many ideas as possible in support of your objectives.
  • Evaluate and plan the best ideas.

Idea Generation, £1,500

In this interactive workshop, you will ask all the people in your crowd the hard questions and listen carefully to their ideas.

The best ideas flourish in an open and active culture. Ideas have no borders. New ideas and new thinkers challenge and redefine how we work and live. An idea can change an entire industry. To be successful the best solution is the most supported one, the one that inspires us to do something different.

You will have access to key insights and a large volume of ideas, often including new and novel solutions to seemingly intractable issues.

Optionally, we will introduce you to Acclaim Ideas, the innovation and collaboration platform we use to capture ideas and manage innovation. Licence fees start at £200/month.

Exit light bulb

Exit Planning

'It's Never Too Early!'

Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

Outcomes Map and Action Plan, from £2,500

hgkc have developed outcomes mapping based on an approach first published in The Information Paradox as Benefits Realization and are unique in applying this to help our clients visualise their personal or business goals. We use the tool in 2-3 facilitated workshops to help clarify and prioritise options, then turn them into an actionable plan, showing who will do what, by when, and with what resource.

Strategic Review for Trade Sale, £5,000-£7,500

For owners thinking of selling their business, an hgkc consultant will review your business, identify potential gaps or holes, provide you with a report of findings and recommendations, and leave you with a clear understanding of what will be required to maximise the potential value of your business, and of the information you will need to provide to a prospective buyer.

From our report of findings and recommendations, we will propose an additional programme of work, typically running over 12 months, to help you:

  • Develop a clear and complete vision of how you are going to exit.
  • Develop a strategy for growth to achieve the value you would like.
  • Put in place plans for the development of your leadership and management teams.
  • Develop a communications plan and decide on the timing and content of communications to employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

Should you engage us, this would be on a monthly retainer basis starting around £1,500 (depending on the size and complexity of your business).

Strategic Review for Acquisition, £5,000-£7,500

If you are planning an acquisition, you want confidence that the business is viable now, and in the future, and can run without the existing owners in it. We will carry out an independent due diligence on your behalf, providing you with a detailed report of findings assessing the potential upside and risks of the acquisition. This will be done under non-disclosure between hgkc and the target company, to reassure the owners of the confidentiality of detailed customer information.

Leading with Vision and Purpose, £1,500

A one-day workshop to help the team to whom you will be handing over your business, to develop their vision, building on the foundations you have laid. This will give you the confidence that they understand the principles on which you would like them to build the future. If external funders are to be approached, they will also want to see the new team’s vision and forecast for the future.

Align Your Organisation, £3,000

If your management team is taking over, and especially if they need external funding to help them buy you out, they need a vision and the business aligned behind it. We will facilitate workshops to help your new team develop their vision, building on the foundations you have laid, translate your values into behaviours and then competencies to provide a benchmark by which current and future behaviours can be measured. Competencies are then built into your performance management and support process. Embedding values into an organisation and building a culture that upholds the values that you espouse, is only achieved with behavioural change.

Understand Your Environment, £750

Using a visual template hgkc have adapted from work originally created by David Sibbett in Visual Leaders, we will run a workshop with you to create a snapshot of the current environment, the ‘context’ in which your business operates, identifying the trends and other external factors, including competition, affecting your business.

Strategic Options, £1,500

hgkc use visual templates adapted from work originally published by David Sibbett in Visual Leaders, we run workshops to help you identify your strategic options for growth. Together we create a snapshot of the current environment, the ‘context’ in which your business operates, identifying the trends and other external factors, including competition, affecting your business. Then we will work with you to survey the strengths and weaknesses of your business in relation to threats and opportunities and help to identify specific strategies to exploit or mitigate them.

Road leading through countryside

Reach Your North Star Faster and Continue Your Journey

Many of these services and products can be combined to help you get to your North Star faster, and of course, once you have arrived, there will be another to reach for! We regularly check-in with our clients to see how their journey is going and to offer follow-up guidance to help them on their way.

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

Our expertise is in getting to the heart of you and your business. We find the right advice when you need it. We add clarity and focus. We help keep you on track, especially when it's tough.