Category, Exit Planning

Exit Planning 101: Key Considerations for Businesses Aiming at a Successful Sale

Exit planning is crucial for a successful sale and to maximise your returns. Whether you're retiring, pursuing new opportunities, or simply ready to move on, careful planning and exploring the elements that contribute to building the value of your business are essential. 

In this exit planning guide, we explore some key considerations to help you navigate towards your exit, and build your confidence to leave your business in somebody else's safe hands.

The Due Diligence Checklist for £5-£10 Million Revenue Businesses Looking to Exit

Exiting a business can be a daunting process, especially if it’s the first or only time you sell your business. Good exit planning can ensure a smooth transition and maximise the value of the sale and manage your tax planning. Adopting a comprehensive due diligence checklist is essential in helping streamline this process and find out where you need to focus your attention to achieve the exit you want. Carrying out a due diligence review is just one of the steps in the exit process and at hgkc we work with you at any point in the exit journey here 5 key areas to get you started as you navigate your way through your business exit.

How To Prepare Your Business And Team For An MBO

A management buyout is the process for your management team to buy the business from the business owner. It is a smooth transaction and can reassure business owners, employees, and their target audience that the company will be left in capable hands. MBO’s ensure quality service and company standards and values continue. As this is an internal process, owners need to help prepare their businesses and employees before exiting the business.

Why Choose hgkc To Help With Your Exit?

Business owners often fail to plan their exits and can end up not getting fair value for the business that they have invested their time and money building. Those that do plan need help and often turn to a third party. This help can be either financial advisors, lawyers, or business consultants. We recommend an exit strategy should be prepared 3-5 years in advance to gives you time to identify and address any potential problems, whilst also developing your business to increase value. hgkc is a business consultancy providing practical advice to help businesses overcome their challenges and increase growth. We specialise in innovation, leadership, and exit strategies.

Why You Need To Communicate Your Exit Plan

For a business to run successfully, business owners need to clearly communicate their goals and aspirations with their employees, particularly their management team. This is particularly important when it comes to your exit from the business. However, to truly have a successful exit you need to understand what to say, to whom, and most importantly at what point of your exit. Communicating not only helps your people to prepare for your departure from the company it can help them get ready for what comes next. But when you communicate is just as important as what you say.

Finding The Right Buyer For Your Business

When preparing for a trade sale, you want to ensure that you have the right buyer. It is important when exit planning that you leave your current management team and employees feeling secure and happy with the buyer you’ve lined up. Your team need to feel protected and free to develop and grow under the business’ new owner. To ensure you have found the right buyer for your business, follow these tips to guarantee you get the most value for your company.

Exit planning - the biggest transaction?

In collaboration with Matt West at Metro Bank, with special guest Jason Milkins from Roxburgh Milkins, we hosted a roundtable looking at how to successfully plan your exit from your business. COVID-19 has had a huge impact on business owners, influencing many to start thinking about their Exit Strategy now. Long standing owners and business leaders are struggling with whether to scale down their business or expand and create a legacy before leaving.

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